Floritec Trials
In week 24 we organised our Floritec Trials at our trial locations in Monster and Bleiswijk. In Bleiswijk a nice assortment of chrysanthemums was in bloom, including spray chrysanthemum, disbudded chrysanthemum and santini's. And in Monster there was a beautiful selection of pot asters, pot mums and pot celosia's. There were already established varieties to admire but of course also beautiful novelties and experimentals. See below an impression of the trials. You can download an overview with names and numbers of all the showed varieties.
If you have any questions or remarks, please contact our sales representatives:
Martijn van Leeuwen: 06 - 15 52 47 21 (potplants)
Harry Boers: 06 - 50 42 27 45 (cutflowers)
Ruud Smit: 06 - 27 31 98 88 (international sales)
Video novelties | cut mum
In this video you can see the cut mum novelties.
Video impression | novelties pot mum
In this video you can see the pot mum novelties.
Video impression | novelties pot celosia
In this video you can see the pot celosia novelties.
Impression Floritec Trials cut chrysanthemums

Impression Floritec Trials pot plants