Webinar Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

On February 1 a webinar will be organized by six major propagators in the chrysanthemum sector to inform interested parties about the unique collaboration on Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Information will be shared about the way these six propagators collaborate, the jointly performed research and the gained insights. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion at the end of the presentations.
On February 1 the webinar in English will be organized from 11.30-12.30 h. From 10.00-11.00h it will be performed in Dutch.
Interested parties can pre-register through these links:
Over the past 4 years, the group has carried out trials at its joint test site in Kenya and gathered a large body of data. The study carried out in Kenya has now been completed. It has demonstrated that there is potential to produce cuttings in Africa using fewer chemicals, in a way that the produced cuttings can be shipped to the Netherlands without problems. The desire to use IPM to produce cuttings that are 100% free from pests and diseases remains a challenge. Therefore, the steering committee has expressed its intention to continue its collaboration and to focus its efforts on achieving the established goal.