Introduction Santini 'Maverick Orange'

Santini grower Richard van Schie introduces Santini 'Maverick Orange'
This week, Santini grower Richard van Schie and breeder Floritec introduce Santini 'Maverick Orange'.
Maverick Orange is the youngest member of the Maverick family, which until now has consisted of Maverick Sunny and Maverick White. Maverick is a beautiful pompom with a fresh green center. The series has proven itself in cultivation and in the market. The vase life is excellent. The stems are strong and the centre remains fresh green throughout the flowering. The color of Maverick orange is beautiful warm orange.
Maverick Orange will be available at the auctions in Rijnsburg, Naaldwijk and Aalsmeer from Wednesday, December 7. Richard van Schie is supplying 5,000 stems per week.
Inspiration with Maverick Orange